Pisca Sour
Here to share original poetry as well as a collection of favorite poets for our Booklover's Burlesque: Bedtime Stories Series is PISCA SOUR from Miami, Florida!
Support books and literacy! Check out the following poets!
Rupi Kaur- Milk and Honey
Daemond Arrindell - Swept up and away
Andrea Ranae
Abigail Rose Clarke
Amir Badawi
Pisca Sour is top shelf. Smooth, strong, intoxicating, and enlightening. Always full bodied and cultured. Don't think she can't be sour though. Performing on Seattle and Miami stages for the last two years, this Peruvian- Panamanian bombshell is sure to leave you feeling the warm and fuzzies.
For more information, follow Pisca on Facebook at www.facebook.com/piscasour and on Instagram.com/piscasourburlesque (@piscasourburlesque)
To learn more about Booklover's Burlesque and Lacy Productions, visit www.bookloversburlesque.com and www.patreon.com/lacyknickers.