Vanilla Rose
Here to share an excerpt IN ITALIAN (with English subtitles) from LADY CHATTERLY'S LOVER by D.H. Lawrence for our Booklover's Burlesque: Bedtime Stories Series is VANILLA ROSE from Cyprus! (See below for more about this reading, Vanilla, and Booklover's Burlesque!)
Support books and literacy! Check out LADY CHATTERLY'S LOVER by D.H. Lawrence at
Commentary/ Review by our Reader:
"I chose this classic, Lady Chatterley's lover by D.H. Lawrence, also because it was written in Italy, to be precise in Tuscany, between 1925 and 1928, and subsequently published for the first time in Florence.
This novel, romantic and dramatic at the same time, caused controversy and a stir at the time because of the sexually explicit scenes, as it tells of the extramarital relationship between a noblewoman and the gamekeeper in the service of her consort, Lord Chatterley. But above all because Lady Connie Chatterly claims her right to female pleasure and, this way, opens the way to a cultural and social awakening that sees women willing to get out of the shadows.
The novel was therefore banned throughout Europe and especially in the United Kingdom of that time, still dominated by Victorian morality, and it was published only in 1960."
"Ho scelto questo classico, L'amante di Lady Chatterley di D.H. Lawrence, anche perché fu scritto in Italia, per la precisione in Toscana, tra il 1925 e il 1928, e successivamente pubblicato per la prima volta a Firenze.
Questo romanzo, romantico e drammatico allo stesso tempo, suscitò all’epoca polemiche e scalpore a causa delle scene dal contenuto sessualmente esplicito, in quanto narra della relazione extraconiugale tra una nobildonna e il guardiacaccia a servizio del di lei consorte, Lord Chatterley. Ma soprattutto perché la protagonista, Lady Connie Chatterly, rivendica il suo diritto al piacere femminile e, in questo modo, apre la strada ad un risveglio culturale e sociale che vede le donne intenzionate ad uscire dall’ombra.
Il romanzo venne perciò messo al bando in tutta Europa e specialmente nel Regno Unito di allora, ancora dominata dalla morale vittoriana, tanto che sarà pubblicato solo nel 1960."
Vanilla Rose is a passionate performer, teacher and blogger. A woman that feels happy and complete when dancing Burlesque, who loves Burlesque and loves her fabulous alter-ego Vanilla Rose.
Which are my distinctive signs? First of all, the smile! Then my handmade chokers and -they say- my being hot & sexy without losing my authenticity, including my funny side!
And, last but not least, my motto: Let’s go Burlesque!
For more information, follow Vanilla Rose on Facebook at Vanilla-Rose Burly Queen, on Instagram at @vanilla_rose_burlesque, and at
To learn more about Booklover's Burlesque and Lacy Productions, visit and
Here to share an excerpt from DELTA OF VENUS by Anaïs Nin for our Booklover's Burlesque: Bedtime Stories Series is VANILLA ROSE from Cyprus!
Support books and literacy! Check out DELTA OF VENUS by Anaïs Nin at
Commentary/ Review by our Reader:
DELTA OF VENUS by Anaïs Nin dates back to 1940s and is one of the masterpieces of erotic literature. It’s a collection of short stories with sexually explicit descriptions, but never vulgar. The author makes a distinction between sex as seen by men and sex as seen by women, reminding us that, even if united by lust and desire, these two universes will always remain somehow separated.
She doesn’t simply describe the passion that sets the body on fire, she also depicts the search for love, senses and excitement connected to the pursuit of pleasure.
Vanilla-Rose is a passionate performer, teacher and blogger. A woman that feels happy and complete when dancing Burlesque, who loves Burlesque and loves her fabulous alter-ego Vanilla Rose.
Which are my distinctive signs? First of all, the smile! Then my handmade chokers and -they say- my being hot & sexy without losing my authenticity, including my funny side!
And, last but not least, my motto: Let’s go Burlesque!
For more information, follow Vanilla Rose on Facebook at Vanilla-Rose Burly Queen, on Instagram at @vanilla_rose_burlesque, and at
To learn more about Booklover's Burlesque and Lacy Productions visit and
#bookloversburlesque #bedtimestories #comecuriousleavetransformed #joypleasureempowerment #lacyproductions #readingissexy #literaryburlesque